Women & Menopause

Packaging: 80-capsule bottle

• Reduce Many Signs & Symptoms of Menopause
• Restore Hormonal Balance
• Relieve Menopause Hot Flashes / Night-sweats & Mood Swings
• Alleviates other Menopause Problems Symptoms
• Promote Healthy Bones against Osteoporosis
• Improve Women's Sexual Health


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Two capsules provide:
Vitamin E.............................30 IU
Vitamin B6..........................12.0 mg
Folate.............................800.0 mcg
Calcium............................200.0 mg
Magnesium..........................100.0 mg
Boron................................1.6 mg
Proprietary Blend.................1110.0 mg
  L-Arginine, Ipriflavone, SoyLife Complex,
  Evening Primrose, Damiana Extracts,
  Siberian Ginseng, Wild Yam Extracts,
  Soy Isoflavones, Red Clover Extracts,
  Dong Quai Extracts, Chaste Tree Berry
  Extract, Grape Seed Extracts.

Best Menopause Formula with Natural Herbs. Helps Manage & Reduce Many Menopausal Symptoms & Signs Naturally

Reduce Many Menopausal Signs & Symptoms Naturally

Many post-menopausal women experience severe symptoms that affect their ability to function in daily activities.  Yet with research showing the dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), women are turning to natural remedies to avoid health risks. 

Formula for Women is one of the best natural menopause remedies & vitamin supplements for menopause hot flashes, night sweats & mood swing.  This safe natural menopause formula contains a balance of time-tested nutrients to help comfort a woman during menopausal discomforts & through everyday demands.  It also contains best herbs which research has shown to help decrease many discomfort symptoms of menopause.

This All-In-One women's health natural product helps address & reduce many menopausal symptoms:

  • Restore Hormonal Balance
  • Relieve Menopause Hot Flashes, Night-sweats and Mood Swings
  • Promote Healthy Bone and Decrease the Risks of Osteoporosis
  • Maintain women sexual health and revitalize loss of libido

Do not waste your money on any other menopause herbal remedies or other natural HRT supplements that have minimal effectiveness.  Formula for Women, a powerful adaptogen for the treatment of menopause, is guaranteed to alleviate many of your symptoms of menopause or you get  your money back!

What is Menopause?

Menopause is defined as the time in a woman's life when she has not experienced a menstrual cycle in at least six months.  It is caused when hormone levels have decreased to the point that they are too low to support an environment necessary for menstruation resulting in the cessation of menses.  It also signifies the end of a woman's child bearing years.  Menopause often begins around the age of 50 but can differ markedly between women. 

The Symptoms of Menopause
Managing menopause naturally with top quality ingredients

For many women the emotional and physical symptoms of menopause can affect their ability to enjoy life.

Emotionally, many women are devastated by the fact that they can no longer bear children, which affects their self-image, sense of femininity and the belief that they are desirable.  In addition, in a youth focused culture, women who have entered menopause often feel as if they have no purpose left in life. There are also many physical symptoms that can create great discomfort.  These include:

  • Depression
  • Mood Swings
  • Problems with remembering or thinking clearly
  • Menopause Hot flashes & Night Sweats
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased bone density
  • Decreased libido
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Breast and Vaginal Changes

Menopause and HRT

After years of prescribing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), many concerns have come to light, leading to renewed focus on the use of alternate therapies.

Risks of Hormone Therapy Outweigh the Benefits

Recent findings suggest that the reported benefits of hormone therapy were greatly exaggerated.  The few benefits identified were limited to women who began Hormone Therapy at the initiation of menopause and used them long term. These findings raised alarms in the medical community in light of results from studies investigating long term hormone use which showed that treatment lasting longer than 5-10 years was associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and blood clots.

Long term hormone use was also linked to significantly higher rates of lung cancer in smokers than found in the general population and a 50% greater likelihood of lung cancer deaths in postmenopausal smokers compared to premenopausal smokers. Long term use of hormones was also associated with increased risk of endometrial cancer which lasted for several years after termination of hormone treatment, breast cancer and reoccurrence following successful treatment and ovarian cancer.

Due to these risk factors, regarding hormone therapy, the FDA has cautioned women to use "the lowest effective dose for the shortest time necessary," and The American Cancer Society has concluded that the risks of this treatment far exceed the benefits for most women.

Women Look to Natural Options

Screening tests have been developed for identify genetic markets for diseases that have direct implications for menopausal women including risk of developing endometrial, ovarian and breast cancers.

Women today have become more proactive about gaining information and undergoing tests relevant to their health status, age and family background to determine if they have specific genetic markers.  Thus, many women are already aware of whether they are at increased risk for developing specific diseases when entering menopause, know the concerns related to Hormone Therapy and are searching for natural alternatives.

Natural Formula for Menopause Relief
Healing Solution from Nature & Science

While many natural options to alleviate the symptoms of menopause exist, Formula for Women was created  based on scientific knowledge and review of research outcomes to determine the best combination of ingredients for effective relief.

Best Menopause Formula with Natural Herbs

  • Formulated with care by a pharmacist and with the purest & most clinically tested ingredients
  • Contains both eastern and western medicines
  • Powerful & synergistic blend of  17 well-researched & clinically substantiated potencies of  herbs (7), vitamins/minerals/amino acids (7), and natural nutrients (3)
  • Safe & Effective without the side effects and without prescription
  • Made in FDA registered facilities in the USA with strict quality control

Potent & Quality Ingredients
Top quality & well-researched natural ingredients

We source only top quality vitamins and ingredients and they are certified by our laboratory for safety and potency before entering our production line.  Furthermore, some of this complex's natural foods, nutrients & herbs are manufactured and extracted to provide at least 4 to 20 times higher potency than regular herbs

But there are more.....some of our ingredients are further processed to contain the only standardized ACTIVE nutrient that makes the herb more powerful.  An example is our Soy that's guaranteed contains a minimum of 40% Isoflavones, the active nutrient that gives Soy its great effectiveness in natural treatment for hot flashes.  Therefore, this proprietary complex has a proven history of providing desired results and benefits quickly, effectively and efficiently

The Formula includes many well researched herbs, vitamins/minerals/amino acids and natural nutrients falling into two basic categories:  Hormonal Simulators and Non-Hormonal Substances

Phytoestrogen & Hormone Simulating Nutrients
Balance women hormones naturally

There are a number of herbs and supplements which ease menopausal symptoms by producing similar effects to hormones.  When used together they can often produce a strong effect to countering the symptoms caused by hormonal deficiencies including night-sweats, menopause hot-flashes, bone loss and cardiovascular problems.

Isoflavones, found in Soy, have been shown to produce estrogen-like activity and to balance hormones.  Isoflavones have been show to be effective for treating hot flashes, mopause night sweats, preventing bone loss, cardiovascular problems, and mood swing.   In summary, Soy Isoflavones� benefits include reducing hot flashes incidents, improving prostate health & cardiovascular health. It also helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol level, preventing bone loss and certain cancer. In some study, Japanese women have experienced less menopausal symptoms such as hot flash & mood swing due to their high intake of soy isoflavones as they help reducing the surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) to maintain the normal estrogen levels. An increase in LH may cause the rise in skin temperature and trigger sweat glands. Soy Isoflavones is considered one of the best natural remedies & herbal healing solution for menopause hot flashes & mood swing.

Extract of Red Clover contains isoflavones, which bind to estrogen receptors in the body just the way estrogen does. Red Clover contains four of these estrogenic isoflavones: genistein, biochanin, daidzein, and formononetin.  Red Clover, which mimics estrogen, is used to combat night sweats, menopause hot flashes, emotional changes, and low libido. 
Best natural remedy for menopause. Managing menopause naturally with herbs

Furthermore, Red Clover is a good source of calcium which helps prevent bone loss and the decreases in bone density.  In addition to mimicking the actions of a woman's own estrogen, isoflavones provided by Red Clover act as powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants have been linked to decreased risk of osteoporosis and breast cancer.

Dong Quai, a Chinese herb, is a good source of vitamins E, A and B-12.  It is considered one of the better herbs for menopause that help balancing women's hormone, relieving menopause hot flashes and vagina dryness. In addition to the symptoms helped by phytoestrogens, these vitamins create a calming effect, improving sleep and reducing mood swings and stress.  Gamma Linoic Acid (GLA) in Evening Primrose Oil replenishes fatty acids which produce similar effects to hormones.  In addition, they decrease inflammation, prevent clots, control pain and increase the body's immune response. Chasteberry is a fruit that produces the effects of progesterone, and androstenedione.  Chasteberry also has steroidal precursors which mimic the effects of estrogen.  This supplement, approved by the German Commission E,  has been found to decrease breast tenderness, headaches, and improve mood while decreasing mood swings by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Vitamins & Minerals for Menopause Relief
Healing Solution from Nature & Science

Calcium is a mineral that helps prevent osteoporosis, a condition, often occured during menopausal period, which the bone is weakended that could caused bone to fracture easily. Study has shown that Calcium may help bone fracture indicents by as much as 50%. To balance Calcium intake, Magnesium is also recommended. Magnesium is an abundant mineral within the body, about 50% of which is found within the bones as it has been researched for strengthening bones and increasing calcium absorption in post-menopause peiod.  It also has a tranquilizing effect and decreases mood swings, irritability, anxiety and insomnia. Magnesium helps the body utlizing calcium.

Numerous clinical researches have shown that Ipriflavone, a synthetic isoflavone, helps prevent osteoporosis in menopausal women. Japan has approved Ipriflavone as a natural osteoporosis treatment. Study also shows that Ipriflavone is considered safe for long term treatment in avoiding fractures in senior patients with established symptoms of osteoporosis.

Maintain Women Sexual Health & Libido!
The best combination of Nature & Science!

L-Arginine is an Amino Acid and precursor to Nitric Oxide which is essential for women' sexual health & libido. It also promotes healthy cardiovascular function, strengthens blood vessel walls, and decrease high blood pressure post-menopause. Damiana is a plant containing many essential oils which help to balance hormones, mimicking progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and other androgens. They have also has been noted to increase libido. Siberian Ginseng has compounds possessing estrogenic properties which help boost the immune system. Studies conducted at Memorial Sloan Kettering support the positive effects of Siberian Ginseng on estrogen related symptoms. Other studies show it may also help prevent Osteoporosis.

Best Menopause Natural Supplement
Comfort a Woman During Time of Change

Formula for Women is formulated with pure, natural ingredients shown to be effective for the relief of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.  It is supported by proven results from clinical research and testimonials provided by women who have used the product. 

We use only premium ingredients and do not include fillers, dyes or animal products. Our product combines Eastern and Western herbs and supplements shown have the greatest efficacy for relief of menopausal symptoms. 

Manufactured exclusively within FDA registered and approved facilities in the U.S., we can attest to the quality and potency of our product as its production is fully regulated through industry oversight standards.

The Best Combination of Nature and Science
Managing Menopause Naturally

  • Formulated based on strict guidelines by a licensed pharmacist
  • Contains both eastern and western medicines
  • Powerful blend of 17 well-researched & clinically substantiated herbs, vitamins/minerals/amino acids, and nutrients
  • Ingredients carefully chosen based on equations to determine proportionate amounts of each ingredient needed to produce a predictable synergy
  • Safe & effective without the side effects and dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Available without prescription
  • Our production methods result in the highest quality product which has a proven history of working very quickly.

Healthy Menopause Strategy! 

  • Eat Well - Consume large amount of Soy & Lignans (Flaxseed).  Calcium is also recommended (1500 mg/day)
  • Take Natural Supplements
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Rest & Relax - Meditation & yoga can help
  • Maintain Healthy Skin - There is a relationship between low estrogen levels and skin dryness and loss of elasticity.  Our Formula for Skin Plus can help to restore skin elasticity. 
  • Keep the body cool.  Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, hot beverages and stress. Drink lots of water daily.
  • Exercise regularly to benefits the heart and bones.  It also helps to regulate weight thus contributing to overall well-being

Do Not Wait!
Order your 30-Day RISK-FREE TRIAL

Best Supplement for Menopause

Right Now!

Related Readings:

  1. Black Cohosh for Menopause
  2. Menopause Formula
  3. Signs of Menopause
  4. Red Clover for Menopause
  5. What is the Average Age for Menopause?
  6. What might be the Cause of Night Sweats?
  7. Natural Herbs for Menopause
  8. Evening Primrose Oil Benefits & Side Effects


  1. Reginster, Jean-Yves L., "Ipriflavone: Pharmacological Properties and Usefulness to Postmenopausal Osteoporosis" Bone and Mineral 23: 223-32, 1993
  2. Excretion of isoflavonoids in the urine of Japansese women was found much higher than in American and Finnish women.  The high intake may partly explain why hot flashes and other menopausal complaints are reduced in Japanese women. (Aldercreutz, Herman and Esa Hamalainen, "Dietary Phyto-Estrogens and the Menopause in Japan" The Lancet 339: 1233, May 16, 1992.
  3. According to translations of original Russian research, Siberian ginseng has the ability to increase our endurance and capacity to work by improving the ability of the liver and adrenals to regulate hormonal levels, dispose of lactic acid, and regulate blood sugar (reported in Farnsworth et al., 1989).
  4. Plant estrogens like Red Clover provide a supplementary source of estrogens, which help to softenthe beginning of menopause and lead to fewer short-term problems like hot flashes and fewer long-tem problems such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Brown, Donald, et al. Clinical Application of Natural Medicine: Menopause., monograph (Seattle: Natural Product Research Consultants, 1997

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100% money-back Guarantee!

 We are certain that this high quality & potent formula will provide the desired results.  If, for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the empty bottle or unused portion within 30 days we will promptly refund the purchased price with no questions asked (excluding shipping/handling)


Women & Menopause
Packaging: 80-capsule bottle

• Reduce Many Signs & Symptoms of Menopause
• Restore Hormonal Balance
• Relieve Menopause Hot Flashes / Night-sweats & Mood Swings
• Alleviates other Menopause Problems Symptoms
• Promote Healthy Bones against Osteoporosis
• Improve Women's Sexual Health

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High Quality - Low Price
Free Shipping Within the USA & Canada For All Orders Over $70
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